Shop beard care, hair care and body care for dry sensitive skin.
At Professor Fuzzworthy & Beauty and the Bees here in Tasmania, we TRULY understand dry, sensitive, eczema prone skin. Using her grandmother’s old remedies, Jill Saunders began this business in an effort to cure herself of disfiguring and chronic eczema and dry skin and succeeded by using only trusted, pure, gentle food ingredients.
Just like you, we have tried commercial skincare products time after time to find one that really moisturizes and doesn’t burn or irritate our skin or make it itchy and dry. But our search for a product that actually kept the skin moisturized and comfortable for more than 12 hours was in vain.
So we started making our own 25 years ago, long before ‘organic’ was a fashionable and meaningless buzz word! We have hand made products FROM SCRATCH (no premade “bases” or melt and pour soap “noodles”), using pure, natural, local food ingredients that have been used for centuries in every culture. They are safe enough to eat, and most importantly they REALLY work.
The skincare products below have been specifically designed to be kind and beneficial to SENSITIVE SKIN
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